Welcome to European Elite Athletes Association

EU Athletes was set up in 2008 and is the leading European multi-sport federation of athlete and player associations (sports trade unions) with 32 members in 15 different European countries and in a wide range of different sports.
More than 25,000 elite athletes are represented through the membership.
EU Athletes brings the member player associations together to share best practices, form collective policies on behalf of players, and develop and deliver education and training programmes.

The Lasting Impact of #PROtectIntegrity Online

The European Athletes and Players Association (EAPA) is proud to announce the successful conclusion of...

Olympic athletes should be paid and heard, says public poll

UNI World Players, a sector of UNI Global Union, has carried out the first-ever public poll to assess...

EAPA calls for strengthening social dialogue at the Council of Europe Conference of Sport Ministers

Last week, the European Athletes and Players Association participated in the 18th Council of Europe...

ERASMUS+ Project announcement: AGREE

EAPA is excited to share that it will be a coordinator in the ERASMUS+ project: Athletes for Good governance...

ERASMUS+ Project Announcement: PROtect Integrity Responsibly

It is with great excitement that EAPA announces that it is a coordinator in the new EU-funded project under...

Internship Offer

European Athletes and Players Association (EU Athletes) is the European multi-sport federation of...

Celebrating 10 years of EU Sport Integrity Day

Each year the 15th of April marks the #EUSportIntegrityDay, providing an opportunity to speak out against...

EU Athletes at the EU Sport Forum

The EU Sport Forum is an annual event organised by the European Commission to support the structured...

PIO project partners meet in Dublin

The staff and partners of the PROtect Integrity Online Erasmus+ project met at the Rugby Players Ireland...

EU Athletes Statement on the Judgement of the Court of Justice in the ISU Case

EU Athletes is pleased with today’s decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered in Case...