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EU Athletes Statement on COVID-19 Impact on Sport

Apr 2, 2020 | Executive Meetings

On 31st of March 2020, EU Athletes Executive Board held an online emergency meeting in order to discuss latest developments related to the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on sport and the athletes. In the time of a global public health crisis, many of player associations and players themselves have demonstrated an exemplary leadership, dedication and solidarity related to this unprecedented situation.

EU Athletes and its members are committed to making sure that professional and elite level sport in Europe remains a viable and sustainable business in the long-term. During the discussion, Board members exchanged about the way that clubs, leagues and federations in different sports and countries are dealing with the current situation. It was agreed that in order to find adequate short and long-term solutions to various challenges facing sport sector, there is a need to prioritize dialogue and stakeholder engagement.

Today more than ever, athletes need to be a part of the solution. That is why we call for sport organizations to commit to the active engagement with the athlete and player associations about sport’s response to the current crisis.’ said Paulina Tomczyk, the General Secretary of EU Athletes. ‘This way it can be assured that the fundamental athletes’ rights are respected through a proper decision making process.’

Read the full statement here.

For any further inquiries: info@euathletes.org