SDE Pro Sports project is a 2-years project that aims at developing social dialogue in professional sport in the European Union by producing a guide to set up social dialogue in sport. The writing of this guide will be based on mapping and highlighting the collective agreements that exist in European countries. Gathering experiments and good practices from other countries and organisations may help to overcome the lack of dialogue in the countries where it may be needed. This project intends to be the new step towards a social dialogue between employers’ and employees’ organisations in sport in Europe.
Main deliverables
- Mapping of the national collective agreements in professional sports in Europe
- Guides for implementation of social dialogue in professional sports at national level
Secondary objectives
- Identify the common dynamics in collective agreements in professional sports at European level
- Create a dialogue between professional sport employers and athletes representatives at European level
Meetings and events
3 meetings are planned with all the partners, to ensure the advancement of the project and encourage discussions about the different phases of the project :
- Kick-off meeting (July 2022, Paris) : German Sport University of Cologne, EASE (and members), EU Athletes (and members)
- Presentation of the SDE Pro Sports project
- Discussions about the methodology, the advancement and the publication of the mapping
- Discussions between the members of EASE and EU Athletes to share their knowledge and reflect on a common ground for social dialogue in Europe
- Project meeting (June 2023, Cologne) : German Sport University of Cologne, EASE (and members), EU Athletes (and members)
- Identification of the content of the guide
- Discussion with sport employers and professional athletes representatives to identify best practices in the settlement of a social dialogue
- Drafting of the common parts of the guide
- Dissemination event (May/June 2024, Brussels) : German Sport University of Cologne, EASE (and members), EU Athletes (and members)
- Presentation of the results of the projects to the stakeholders
- Discussion with the members of EASE and EU Athletes to build a common ground for social dialogue In Europe
SDE Pro Sports project, co-funded by the European Union, started in July 2022 and will be finished in June 2024.