PROLead is a collaborative partnership Erasmus+ project coordinated by EU Athletes. Partnership include German Sport University Cologne and 8 player associations from different countries and sports. Focusing on the topic of dual careers of athletes, the project aims to enhance leadership skills of athletes, as well as volunteers and staff of player associations, by designing and implementing leadership courses at the European and national level.
The work plan of the 3-year project (January 2020-December 2022) has been affected by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. While the project team was dedicated to implementing the activities as initially planned, it was necessary to adjust the timing and the format of the events to adapt to the current situation.
The first research and consultation phase have been closed, with the Report following the desktop research and literature review of leadership education for athletes completed earlier this year. Currently, the project staff is working on preparation of the European Leadership Course, which will be designed following the recommendations from the Report, as well as input of player associations and their experiences related to delivering education sessions to athletes efficiently.
The European Leadership Course will start in January 2021 and will be delivered via online sessions to athlete associations volunteers and staff.