One of EU Athletes goal is to help to set up player association in Europe. By using the UNI Europa project “Supporting test phase of the ESSDC in European Sport Sector” we are gathering new player association together.
The project “Supporting test phase of the ESSDC in European Sport Sector” co financed by the European Commission helps EU Athletes, in partnership with UNI Europa, to bring together people who are setting up new player association in Europe.
The meeting in Stockholm was the round table for the professionnal sport sub sector. 6 new player associations participated in this meeting.
The aim of the round table was to present on one hand the social dialogue guide created during a previous project and also to help them set up their work plan for the rest of the year, organise their ideas and priorities.
Setting up a player association is not easy, a lot of areas need to be covered but more importantly contact with players and team visits are a key factor in order to create and establish the organisation.
During the next couple of months, we will follow up with those associations and invite them to attend other meetings and conferences where they will meet the entire EU Athletes group.
By: EU Athletes