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The new board of directors of HPVPA elected during the general Assembly

Apr 25, 2015 | Uncategorized

Our member HPVPA, has just informed us of the renewal of their Board. Here is the list of their full board.

President: Psarras Athanasios
1st Vice President: Pantaleon Sotiris
2nd Vice President: Papafotiou Athina (Female)
Secretary General: Dimitriadis Anestis
Secretary Assistant: Giota Ekaterina (Female)
Treasurer: Stefanou Giorgos
Member: Terzis Athanasios
Member: Kanellos Makis
Member: Papadimitriou Thanos

During the last months HPVPA had starting the process of refreshing their Association new web site – (www.pasap.eu), new logo, new moto.