25 PDMs from 13 different player associations gather last week in Helsinki (Finland) to discuss about player development and transition after the game.
Under EU Budget preparatory action in the field of sport, EU Athletes hosted his 2nd PDMs conference in Helsinki. During 3 days PDMs from all around Europe have exchange views on players transition after the game.
Workshop and presentations have help us to define more precisely EU Athletes position in the context of the future EU Expert Group on human resources that will deal with Dual Career of athletes.
This conference was also an excellent opportunity to present to the group a more in depth overview of the project proposed by EU Athletes under ERASMUS+.
Great contribution was made by AJFS who introduced his most recent video that will be presented at the EU Sport Forum in December on the story of Dani fernadez and PCA who gave an in depth presentation of their Award for the the best dual career project of athletes.