EU Athletes General Assembly, held virtually this year due to the current situation, too place yesterday and gathered over 30 representatives of player and athlete unions and associations from different countires and sports in Europe.
Exchanges between associations included a presentation and feedback on the results of a preliminary research on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on players and players associations. The research highlighted, on the one hand, the importance of player associations and increased demand due to the current crisis and on the other hand, potential long-term issues for the athlete movement.
The participants also had an opportunity to hear from Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit at the European Commission, about the sport policy at the EU level and the response to Covid-19 crisis.
During the GA, Paul Flynn from Gaelic Players Association and Simon Keogh from Rugby Players Ireland from were elected to the EU Athletes Board. Camille Delzant (Union nationale des footballeurs professionnels) and Simon Taylor (Professional Players Federation) were reelected for next terms.