EU Athletes is launching today the first ever #EUSportIntegrityDay. A transnational initiative from player associations on the education of athletes on the risks of match fixing.
For more than four years now, EU Athletes in cooperation with EGBA, RGA and ESSA have created a unique programme to educate professional athletes on the risks surrounding match fixing.
In 2013 the European Commission decided to co-finance this initiative with the PROtect Integrity project. After more than a year of implementation 14.000 professionnal athletes in Europe have been reached by player associations.
This project helped us to gather key stats in order to define the size of the problem :
– 55% of the players reached didn’t knew the rules before the visit of the player association.
– 83% think it’s important they receive a more regular information on match-finxing.
-91% are more aware of the importance of reporting suspicious activities.
By launching the first ever #EUSportIntegrityDay on Social Media, EUAthletes will highlight the quantity and quality of the work done by the player associations. Our role is crucial : protect our sport and educate athletes of tomorrow.