Play the Game is a biannual conference addressing a number of challenges to modern sport, such as corruption in sports organizations, match-fixing, doping, unsustainable mega-events and the need for more active sports participation policies. Play the Game 2017 “Riding the waves of change” gathers almost 450 journalists, scientists and sport officials on the 26-30th of November in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
EU Athletes Policy Officer Paulina Tomczyk has taken part in the panel “Reform in sport: An inside job or an outside intervention?”, highlighting in the speech the fundamental role of good governance in sport for athletes and the need for their equal participation in the reform process as well as the risks of uncontrolled and unconditional “autonomy” of sport organizations brings.
In the session “Athletes and Anti-Doping: Privacy and Participation” Paulina has also presented “Study of Monitoring Practices of European National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs)”. This research project, completed by Paulina together with Walter Palmer and Jeff Reymond, highlights poor reporting practices (low availability of the annual reports and fragmented data included) of European anti-doping organizations.
More information on the Play the Game 2017, including photos and videos from the sessions, is available on the website.
Photos: Thomas Søndergaard/Play the Game