Every year since 2014, the 15th of April is an opportunity to show the commitment and make a stand against match-fixing. This awareness raising initiative consists of a social media campaign that can be supported by all stakeholders: public authorities, sports organizations, betting operators and regulators, athletes, coaches, referees, fans and other organizations and people who care about the integrity in sport.
Match-fixing is widely recognized as a major threat for today’s sport, undermining the integrity of the game. Because of organized crime involvement, it can put athletes and other individuals at serious danger. If not acted upon, the corruption could lead to loss of public faith and ultimately destroy sports that we all love. Considering the complexity and gravity of the problem, it requires commitment, cooperation and coordination between different stakeholders and an active involvement of athletes and their associations.
For Paulina Tomczyk, the General Secretary of EU Athletes: ‘With the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 on sport and the increased risks for organized crime involvement and sport corruption, the continuous focus on the integrity of sport is crucial. Athlete associations want to be a part of the solution, and I am happy to see the campaign develop and grow, with more stakeholders showing their support every year’.
This year, the #EUSportIntegrityDay campaign has seen a significant support. Its has been promoted by player and athlete associations alongside several public and private stakeholders in the fight against match fixing, including the European Commission, Sports Group of the European Parliament and Interpol.
For more information about the campaign, you can visit the website.