The PROMobility project, financed by the EU under the ‘Exchanges and Mobility in Sport’ Preparatory Action, aims to develop cooperation in sport through job shadowing for the staff and volunteers at player associations in Europe and South Africa. Its goal is to improve the skills and knowledge base of key personnel at player associations thereby enabling them to better support their athletes. By improving the operation of player associations, the outcome of the project will be long lasting as the institutions develop through best practice and are better placed to continue their vital role supporting elite athletes.
The project, running from January 2021until December 2022, includes 16 partners, 20 PAs from 13 countries covering 8 sports and representing over 10,000 elite athletes. Because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of the project has been modified. It was decided to start with a series of Online Exchanges on five different topics:
* Player recruitment and engagement
* Player personal development
* Commercial development and Marketing
* Communications and media
* Best response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
While it will depend on the sanitary situation, the physical job shadowing visits should start in 2022.
First Online Exchange on Player recruitment and engagement has taken place on 10th of June 2021. After the presentations from Natalia Orive (AJFSF, Spain) and Eugene Henning (My Players, South Africa) more than 20 participants engaged in discussions on the topic. The meeting allowed them to share experiences, learn from each other and develop good practice.
The Online Exchange on response to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic will take place on the 22nd of June, and the next ones will follow after the summer.