The PROMobility project, financed by the EU under the ‘Exchanges and Mobility in Sport’ Preparatory Action, aims to develop cooperation in sport through job shadowing for the staff and volunteers at player associations in Europe and South Africa. Its goal is to improve the skills and knowledge base of key personnel at player associations thereby enabling them to better support their athletes.
The project’s workplan has been modified because of the impact of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. It was decided to start with the Online Exchanges on defined topics, which allow the participants to network and deepen their knowledge, and to continue with the physical job shadowing visits in 2022.
Four Online Exchanges have already taken place: Player recruitment and engagement and Response to the Covid-19 pandemic in June; Communications and media on 26th of November and the Online Exchange on Player Development has taken place today.
Player development is a key priority for player associations and this meeting has generated an important interest. Around 20 participants form different player associations have participated in the event. After presentations from AJFS, GPA and My Players, the participants engaged in discussions on the topic. The meeting allowed them to share experiences, learn from each other and develop good practice.
The Online Exchange on Commercial development and marketing will take place in the New Year, it will hopefully be followed to physical mobility of the participants.